Australian & New Zealand LinksAustralian Society of Calligraphers (ASC) NSW
Calligraphers' Guild of Western Australia
Calligraphy Society of Victoria Inc
Coffs Calligraphers (NSW)
Dave Wood Calligraphy Art Gallery Batemans Bay NSW - Artworks of Distinction
Gail Stiffe Papermaker and bookbinder
Gemma Black Calligrapher and teacher (Tasmania)
Leaf Magic Original Prints & Books Cecilia Sharpley
Melbourne Museum of Printing Australian working & teaching museum of printing
Print Australia Blog about printmaking, papermaking & artist books sites in Australia
Papermakers of Victoria
Peter Gilderdale (NZ) Calligraphic Comment - Peter's daily blog
Queensland Bookbinders Guild
Rhonda Ayliffe (NSW) Calligrapher
Soho Galleries A comprehensive site for all art lovers
Tricia Smout Calligraphy and artist books (Q'ld)
Veronica Holland Beautifully whimsical paintings and prints with themes of music and life Overseas Links
Agora Gallery (New York) Links to many art related websites
Annie Cicale Calligrapher, Illustrator, Book Artist (North America)
Archie Granot Papercuts Papercuts (Israel)
Atelier de Calligraphie d'Emmanuel Spaeth (France)
Beatrice Coran Artist books, papercuttings and other artwork
Barbara Yates Handmade books carved out of wood
Belle Lettere Guild (Padova, Italy)
Bodleian Library Medieval manuscripts (UK)
Book Arts Web A comprehensive collection of Book Arts information and related links
Calligraphy Centre Artists of the Written Word (USA)
Calligraphy Guild of Pittsburgh +
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
Center for Book Arts (New York)
Charles Pearce Calligrapher & Lettering Artist (USA)
Christopher English's Symbolist Poetry & Paintings (UK)
Claes G Lindblad-Scriptorium Lundensis Valuable Information Ink Sticks etc.(Sweden)
C. C. Elian Works in Conceptual Calligraphy - a unique writing system (USA)
Colophon Page Modern Illustrated & Fine Press Books
Cyberscribes at Yahoo Join Cyberscribes from here
Denis Brown Denis (Ireland) needs no introduction
Ductus Association de Calligraphie (France)
Ergo Pers Artists' Books (Belgium)
Gerd J Wunderer Contemporary Book Artist (Germany)
Graceful Envelope Contest (Washington)
Hollanders Paper Arts Supplies and Workshops
IAMPETH International Association of Master Penman, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting
iBookbinding A Step by Step tutorial website for those wishing to learn bookbinding
Izzy Pludwinski - Hebrew Calligraphy Gallery
Jan & Jarmila Sobota Book Artists (Czech Republic)
J Hewit & Sons Ltd Bookbinding Supplies (Scotland)
John Neal Bookseller Mail Orders, Letter Arts Review, Bound & Lettered
John Stevens Calligraphy & Lettering Design
Judith Hoffman Artist's Book Gallery (CA, USA)
Laura Davidson Artists books (USA)
Laurie Doctor Artist (Colorado, USA)
Masscribes Massachusetts based calligraphy society
Melissa Dinwiddie Designworks Fine Art,Lettering & Design (USA)
Mission Creek Press Albums, Guest Books and Artist Books
Monique Lallier Design Book Bindings (North Carolina, USA)
Museums of Printing International Portal of printing museums
Omniglot A guide to writing systems
Painters Keys The Painters Keys Community (USA)
Peter Calleson Papercuts (Denmark)
Randall Hasson Fine Art & Calligraphy (USA)
Richard Minsky Artists' Books (New York)
Roann Mathias Graphic Artist and Calligrapher (USA)
Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord Artist Books (USA)
San Diego Fellow Calligraphers
Scribblers Specialised Calligraphy Supplies (Suffolk, UK)
Sherri Trial Calligraphy, Fine Art & Illustration (USA)
Society of Scribes & Illuminators (UK)
St John's Bible (Illuminating the new Millennium)
Superlative Books Handmade, Small Press and Unusual Books of Distinction (USA)
Warmland Calligraphers A beautifully designed Guild website
Washington Calligraphers Guild
Wonderstreet Calligraphy Pen Reviews
Workshop de la Scripturalité Joelle Dautricourt - Book Artist and Sculptor (France)
Zanerian College Promoting the Art of the Engrosser's Script and Ornamental Penmanship
Ziller Inks Rich Mungall (Kansas City, USA)